Scene Around Town: Planned Parenthood and Turtle Creek Association Katy Trail WeeklyCynthia SmootFebruary 7, 2025Planned Parenthood, Turtle Creek Association.
Scene Around Town: Rainbow Days and Turtle Creek Association Katy Trail WeeklyCynthia SmootAugust 23, 2024Rainbow Days, Turtle Creek Association.
Scene Around Town: DIFFA Dallas, Turtle Creek Association, and Goodwill Dallas Katy Trail WeeklyCynthia SmootDecember 16, 2023DIFFA/Dallas, Goodwill Dallas, Turtle Creek Association.
Park Cities Lifestyle (September 2023) Park Cities LifestyleCynthia SmootSeptember 3, 2023Interfaith Family Services, Grant Halliburton Foundation, Dallas 24 Hour Club, Texas Women's Foundation, DIFFA/Dallas, Turtle Creek Association., Women’s Council of the Dallas Arboretum and Botanical Garden, Cristo Rey
Scene Around Town: LEAP Global Missions and Turtle Creek Association Katy Trail WeeklyCynthia SmootAugust 5, 2023LEAP Global Missions, Turtle Creek Association.