Take Action With The Dallas Zoo To Make Dallas (And The World) A Cleaner Planet
More than just a fun afternoon outing, the Dallas Zoo seeks to provide guests with real-world opportunities to make memorable connections with wildlife and supplement your experience with conservation messaging. By doing so, they aim to inspire and empower visitors to take action on behalf of wildlife in Texas and around the world. Their team works tirelessly to protect and save wildlife all around the world, with many projects focused around Texas and right here in our own backyard. Whether you’re age 5 or 85, there’s a Take Action Project for you and your family to participate in. From restoring waterways by picking litter to providing food sources for pollinators, together we can ensure all creatures great and small have clean air to breathe, healthy water to drink, and safe places to live and play. Join the Dallas Zoo’s Wild Earth Action Team in taking hands-on action to save wildlife by participating in their FREE, family friendly projects where you can explore Dallas neighborhoods for a few hours while also helping wildlife.
Dallas Zoo staff and volunteers pick up trash around Dallas parks to keep our planet clean and healthy for local wildlife
Join the Dallas Zoo’s Wild Earth Action Team for a morning of cleaning up litter around Dallas parks to keep the land and waterways clean and healthy for mussels and other wildlife. Because of the physical nature of this activity, it’s most appropriate for those over the age of 6. They recommend wearing long sleeves, pants and closed-toed shoes. Making a difference can be messy, so keep the mud in mind!
June 18 - Herndon Park, 400 East Woodin, Dallas, TX 75216
July 30 - Opportunity Park, 3105 Pine St, Dallas, TX 75215
August 20 - Danieldale Park, 540 W. Wheatland Rd, Dallas, TX 75232
🦋 Looking for something a little more exotic and immersive? Then consider joining the Dallas Zoo’s Wild Earth Action Team in Mexico next January! One of the most amazing phenomena in nature is the annual migration of millions of Monarch butterflies southward from their breeding grounds in the United States and Canada to overwintering sites high in the mountains of southern Mexico. The Dallas Zoo has partnered up with Holbrook Travel to offer a once in a lifetime experience January 29- February 4, 2023. Join them as they travel to the high-altitude forests of Mexico to visit the monarch wintering grounds, where aggregations can exceed 2 billion individual butterflies. Stand amid the fir-covered mountains and witness this awe-inspiring spectacle firsthand as the monarchs flutter, dip, and swoop overhead.
There are many ways you can get involved and make Dallas and our planet at large a cleaner and healthier place for humans and wildlife to live.